Stevens Aerospace and Defense Systems (Stevens) continues to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and adapt and adjust as necessary. We have always regarded the safety of our employees and customers as paramount and, over the years, have developed extensive operational policies and procedures which support that notion.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Stevens has developed additional policies and procedures in an effort to protect our employees and customers. Specifically:
Employees have been educated on disease prevention ‘best practices’ and we have increased preventative measures (e.g., additional cleaning, more aggressive sanitizing of common areas, increased availability of disinfecting products like hand sanitizer and wipes, etc.) throughout our facilities;
Employees who believe they have been exposed to COVID-19 will undergo a quarantine period before returning to the workplace;
Customer aircraft undergoing maintenance will be sanitized upon arrival (to protect our employees) and prior to delivery (to protect our customers)
We believe these additional measures will help ensure our workforce remains healthy and available to provide uninterrupted service to our customers.